Monday, June 1, 2020

The 10 Most Annoying Things About Job Hunting

The 10 Most Annoying Things About Job Hunting There are few people who actually enjoy the job search  process. It  can be frustrating, time consuming and discouraging, not to mention  competitive!  Unfortunately  things dont always go the way you might hope and the best part of us have probably  encountered the same grievances along the way, so youre not alone in your frustrations. So what are the things that people find the most annoying about the job hunt? Here are a handful of peoples biggest pet peeves about seeking out a new job. 1) Having a job hunt crisis Youve heard of a mid-life crisis. Well this is similar, only its brought on by job hunting for a prolonged period of time. Hours and hours of your time have been spent scouring through job listings and perfecting cover lettersand still nothing. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? WILL ANYONE EVER HIRE ME? WHY DOES NOBODY LOVE ME?! Source 2) Nailing an interview, but not getting the job Your answers were absolutely spot on, you built a brilliant rapport with your interviewer and you left feeling a million dollars. Your interview couldnt possibly have gone better if you tried. Then the dreaded  rejection email arrives Source 3) Job applications that take about a year and a day to complete Lots of companies have introduced online applications, which make it easier for them to filter through candidates. Thats all good and wellbut do they really need to be 50 pages long?! More often than not its these companies that youll never hear back from, so thats an hour  of your life youre not getting back Source 4) Awkward networking experiences Weve all heard it before, its not what you know, its who you know. So you drag yourself out to industry events in hope that youll meet someone who can answer all your job hunting woes. What could possibly go wrong? Everything apparently. Source 5) When your application must have got lost in the post Its understandable that some vacancies can attract hundreds or applicants and it just wouldnt be possible for the company to respond to every single person; but being ignored still grinds your gears. Source 6) When youve actually been for your interview, but dont hear back Ok, so youve heard back from them the first time, youve attended the interview, they tell you theyll get back to you.and then nothing. IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO SEND AN EMAIL? Source 7) Needing experience to get experience You got rejected from 3 internships on the basis that you didnt have the required experienceisnt that the whole point of an internship? Source 8) Tailoring your resume You know its important to adapt your resume for particular roles, but when youre rewriting it  for the 75th time, it becomes a bit tiring. Source 9) Searching for a new job when youre already in a job Theres only so many dentist appointments that you can get attend before your boss gets suspicious. Source 10) People asking how your job search is going Well Im on the verge of giving up and joining an Amazonian tribe, but yeah good thanks. Source [Main Image Credit: Shutterstock]

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